Reference Library
Consumer Reports Articles and Corresponding Studies
General information about heavy metals
- What is lead, and why is it bad?
- EPA: Learn about Lead
- EPA: Learn about Mercury
- Information about Arsenic Poisoning
- Dangers of Aluminum in Humans
- The Health Dangers of Cadmium
Specific information about lead
- Low-level lead exposure and mortality in US adults: a population-based cohort study
- Even at Low Levels, Toxic Metals Put Heart at Serious Risk: Study
- New Study Links Lead Exposure to Heart Disease Deaths
- Lead could be fueling America’s high blood pressure epidemic
- Basic Information about Lead in Drinking Water
- EPA Links about Lead Safety Outreach
Sources of Heavy Metals in Our Daily Lives
- Protect Your Kids From the Long-Lasting Effects of Childhood Lead Poisoning
- Heavy Metals in Baby Food: What You Need to Know
- FDA Warns About Lead Poisoning From Dietary Supplements
- Lead Paint Still Poses a Safety Risk for Millions of Americans
- 20 Mental Health Symptoms of Food-Borne Metal Toxicity
- What FDA is Doing to Protect Consumers from Toxic Metals in Foods
- Shellfish and Heavy Metals
For Firearm Enthusiasts / Law Enforcement / Military

Disodium EDTA Chelation Therapy can be a gentle, safe, & effective way to remove heavy metal and lead if you follow some simple guidelines we’ve put together. Before you start Chelation, there are a few things you have to remember.
- If you feel you’ve been exposed to excessive lead or heavy metals, visit a practitioner.
- Any Chelation therapy will remove lead & heavy metals from your body. Because it can’t distinguish between good and bad minerals, you have to add a mineral supplement to your daily regiment while taking Detoxacream.
- In addition to mineral supplements, you need to drink at least 1 liter of water a day to help the EDTA Chelation process work at it’s best.
- Because Detoxacream has a lower dose of EDTA, it’s safe to use 1-3 times a day.
- If pregnant, consult with a health care provider before use.