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[av_heading heading=’The Importance of Chelation Therapy’ tag=’h3′ style=’blockquote modern-quote modern-centered’ size=’30’ subheading_active=” subheading_size=’15’ margin=” margin_sync=’true’ padding=’10’ color=” custom_font=” av-medium-font-size-title=” av-small-font-size-title=” av-mini-font-size-title=” av-medium-font-size=” av-small-font-size=” av-mini-font-size=” av_uid=’av-jvol545y’ admin_preview_bg=”][/av_heading]
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The role of chelation therapy for heavy metal removal from the human body has been well established over the past 70 years and is supported by study information in the scientific community. The predominant route of administration of chelation since its inception in the early part of the 20th century has been intravenous. While the intravenous or IV method continues to dominate the medical chelation market, there are two other routes of administration which effectiveness are on par with IV yet are a fraction of the price. Suppository chelation came into being in the latter part of the 1990’s and topical chelation in the mid 2000’s. While both provide a lower overall dosage, how they are used gives them a big advantage over the IV route of administration.
The IV dosage depends on several factors, with the top two being body weight and heavy metal burden (how much metal you have in your body) primarily because IV treatments are given at a maximum of two per week and generally only once per week, mostly because of the high dosage. However with the suppositories and cream, this limitation is negated due to the ability of self administering in the comfort of your own home adaruto. Suppositories, depending on the dosage which ranges from 750 mg to 1250 mg, being the most common to as high as 2000 mg, as such, suppositories are only recommended for four to five uses per seven days. However the cream, with a dosage ranging from 325 mg to 450 mg which is relatively low, and as such can be used daily to provide a gentle and constant outflow of toxins.
Heavy metals are ever present in our environment, they are inescapable regardless of preventative measures taken to limit your potential exposure. With so much medical evidence coming out linking heavy metals to cardiovascular, neurological and behavioral problems as well as early death, the importance of taking measures to reduce your body burden has never been more important.
Chelation at home is very easy and the savings is nearly 10 fold compared to a normal course of IV chelation. The average cost of IV chelation can be in the thousands of dollars where as suppository or topical will be in the 450-500 dollar range comparatively speaking. Where most people get caught up is they think if they complete one jar of cream or a box of suppositories, they’ve done their due diligence and that’s it. What people do not realize is each individual was born with toxins in their body they got from their mother and have had a lifetime of accumulation to where they are today. If a 40 year old human has had no chelation treatment, that person essentially has nearly 41 years of exposure to heavy metals. (40 since birth combined with whatever their mother passed on).
Our general recommendation is three jars for every 10 years of exposure. If you work in a job where your exposure is heightened, such as law enforcement or iron industry, etc. the suggestion is multiplied by 1.5, so three jars is now four. So for a 40 year old person who is a police officer, that is sixteen jars to be completed. This seems like a lot, but think of how much metal in trapped inside the body! Applying sixteen jars topically over the course of however long it takes, will have a tremendously positive effect on the life of this individual. While it will not cure anything, it could provide a much better quality of life later in life and it could also ensure this person gets there without a serious cardiovascular event, such as a heart attack.
When all is said and done, heavy metals are one of the most important but not talked about factors when talking about overall health and wellness. And getting yourself some chelation therapy is one of the best things you can do for your longevity. Checkout Fat Burning Pills.
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Detoxacream gently, and effectively removes lead and heavy metals from your body and it’s safe for all ages. #edtachelation, #chelationtherapy, #leaddetox, #heavymetaldetox
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For more information about Detoxacream or EDTA Chelation Detoxification of Lead & Heavy Metals, visit us at www.detoxacream.com